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Cookies Privacy

Cookie Notices and Cookie Consent Explained


Cookies play a crucial role in the functionality of modern websites. Many website features like personalisation and social media integration rely on cookies to function.

However, they can be utilised in a way that does not benefit visitors. They are often used to track people across the web and build up profiles that are valuable to brands and advertisers for targeted marketing.

This can often be seen as an invasion of privacy, as cookies operate quietly, potentially without your awareness or ability to prevent it.

In order to enhance your awareness of this activity and provide you with the opportunity to decide whether you wish to permit it, new EU-wide privacy legislation was introduced in 2011. This has become commonly known as https://commission.europa.eu/cookies-policy_en#thirdpartycookies.

Websites must provide clear, detailed information about how they use cookies and offer options for you to indicate if you consent to such use. They are legally obligated to honour your preferences, which may include blocking unwanted cookies or restricting access to the site. However, you should always have a choice in the matter.

Some websites offer the option to choose which types of cookies to allow or block. However, in some cases, doing this may lead to limited website functionality.

If a website you visit does not provide you with adequate information or choices, and the company that owns it is based in the EU, it may be in violation of the law, and you can contact the owner.

This website has been thoughtfully developed to enhance people’s understanding of cookies and their various uses on different websites. It can be utilised to look up favourite websites, and in the near future, users will have the ability to search for specific cookies to gain insight into their functionality.

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